It has now been a few days. Kelli is recovering quite well and is going to be walking around more today. We are excited to be able to hang out with the girls more and more. Lucy got her breathing machine off yesterday morning so we were very excited about that and she seems to be doing great. The biggest thing now is getting them to feed and get the girls and Kelli used to breast feeding. Here are some pictures from yesterday and this morning. Hope you all are doing well!
OH MY GOODNESS, the girls are just perfect. I can't HARDLY wait to hold my new cousins... Kelli, I wish you a very speedy recovery, and I will pray for happy, easy breatfeeding experiences. I love you all SO much. xoxoxoxo
~Cousin Erin
Congratulations Kelli and Ethan!
I can not WAIT to hold Lucy and Madeline :) You two are going to be the best parents ever. Thanks for posting all of these cute pictures throughout this experience. I check it like everyday haha! Love you guys see you all FOUR soon I hope!
We are praying for you four every day!! We cannot wait to meet our new nieces. They are the most precious little beings I have every laid eyes on :) LOVE YOU GUYS! (also, I stole a couple pics of them to post on our blog, hope that was OK)
Santa came early:) Two cute presents. Can't believe Lyssa is an Aunt (scary!!) and Brian and Lisa are grandparents (old farts:)) Get those two girls up to Bellingham so we can see them. Take care and see you soon!
Kelsey, Jeff & Linda
Its so great to see you four are doing good. What beautiful faces! I see dad and mom. I love it. You have been in my prayers and in my thoughts continually. And its great to see this blog and to know you are all doing well. We wish you the best and will continue to pray for you. Cant wait to meet the precious girls.
PS. Cute names!!! Love them.
Do I get a prize for predicting when the babies would come?? After trying to peak at the babies thru the window on Saturday we appreciate the beautiful pictures of those two little perfect doll babies. They are absolutely precious! And Kelli you looked wonderful on Saturday; good job sweetie. And Ethan it seems that elevator didn’t move fast enough for you to get back and forth from Lucy and Maddy and Kelli … good job dad.
I’ve noticed a few more gray hairs on G-ma and G-pa’s head. They’re ready to be Grandparents … they best be getting a couple of vinyl Lazy boy recliners to rock those babies in :) .
Love you and looking forward to seeing all of you.
Heidi, Brad and Hailey
They are so cute! I love the pink hat :) Tell your girls that the Pell boys say hello!
Congrats you two. We have two girls, too. Wouldn't have it any other way. We're living near Boise now.
Bryan Appleby
They are the prettiest nieces ever. I can't wait to play with them and be the cool auntie hahah Kelli and E..i know u guys are doing good cause i talked to you both like twice a day but I can't wait for you four to all come home...plus ally cat misses you and really wants to meet her sisters hahaha LOVE u all SOO MUCH...and I think that im coming down soon whenvever my first day off of work is hahah
What a beautiful family. Hopefully I will be able to come see you all soon. Much love and congrats you guys, Hannah B.
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