Well not much has changed since the last post. Kelli's contractions have slowed down even more and things have not progressed at all which is good. It seems (unless something changes) that she will be here just being monitored until we are 34 weeks (next Tuesday). Then we may find out if we can come back to St. Joes. That would be nice for us but we also don't want to leave unless all doctors here and in Bellingham feel comfortable with this. We will just have to decide at 34 or 34.5 weeks. Kelli really wants to get on a wheel chair and go outside to get some fresh air but the doctor and nurses think that is pushing it. I got to get out and go do something today which was nice. My friend Jeff came and picked me up and took to to Gordito's (a burrito shop in downtown Everett). As you can see from the picture I may have been a tad overeating:)
Kelli and I are getting to bond together and getting time to talk about how we will parent and what we think it will be like to be parents. For now though we are just trying to live in the moment and be appreciative that we have great care and the babies are in good hands in there are any problems.
Hang in there you four!! Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you.
Get after it, Kid. That thing might rival Hector's!!
That mondo burrito looks YUMMY, are you eating for three just like Kelli?
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