Well the girls will be 6 weeks tomorrow:) Time has gone by so fast, and they are getting so big. My mom and I took them to option care a couple days ago because they have free weigh days. Lucy weighed in at 9lbs2oz, and Madeline at 7lbs8oz. They are both gaining weight really well. They are also starting to figure out their night and day routine and sleeping a little better at night. Lucy can go up to 5 hours between her feedings because she is eating more at each feeding, but Madeline still wakes up about every 3 hours. Last night Grandma Bonnie stayed the night and helped out, and Ethan was able to get a full 8 hours of sleep:) THANK YOU GRANDMA BONNIE, WE LOVE YOU ! This weekend we are going to head out to Lynden so Lucy and Madeline can meet their Great Grandma and Grandpa Potts:) Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the sunshine we have been having:)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another week under our belt
Hello again. We attached some pics of the last week. No crazy poop incidents that we know of. Kelli and I did try various different night time routines in an effort to get a little more sleep ( all of which worked about the same). We haven't discovered anything revolutionary but with will keep trying. With the nice clear weather that we have been having, Kelli and I went on our first walk in the stroller as we went to the new Food Co-op by our house. Today we also went walking in Fairhaven in the front-packs and that was a new experience as well. My aunt Jean was in for the week from Mississippi and her and my mom got to hang out with the girls a bit last Saturday. We wish we could have seen her more but it just didn't work out:( Madeline is beginning to have her eyes open a bunch more now which has been a lot of fun. The girls also got to meet their cousin Amaya. She loved the girls and had a lot of fun with them as well. From what I understand she has two baby dolls and has named them Lucy and Madeline. It has been a good weekend and fun with the weather being nice.......... We will hope for a good week and some sleep.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Crazy Morning for Mom:)
Hello everyone! Sorry it has been a while since our last post, but we have been busy, and trying to catch up on sleep.
Ethan and I thought the girls had the day and night thing figured out.......until last night. For some reason Lucy and Madeline were very fussy:( Therefore we did not get much sleep. Then to top it all off this morning while I was trying to rest, Lucy and Madeline both decided to start crying at the same time.....I knew this would happen when I was alone at some point, but wasnt quite ready to figure out how to make them both happy at the same time. I then decided to try and feed them at the same time, so they would both stop crying. I put Lucy in the swing and held Madeline in my lap while bottle feeding them both. It worked out ok, but Lucy got formula drool all over down her neck and in her neck rolls. After getting them both fed, I layed Madeline down, and went to change Lucy, her diaper was full of #2, and while getting her changed and cleaned up I put the dirty diaper on the floor. After she was all clean I picked her up and went to lay her down. Being that I am totally exhausted I forgot the dirty diaper was on the floor, and when I turned around I stepped on the diaper and got #2 all over my foot and on the living room carpet!!! It smelt really good!!!
So after a crazy morning I am now relaxing on the couch, and the girls are sound asleep. Being a parent of twins is definately a lot harder then I had imagined, but as I sit here and look at my little girls sound asleep and content it makes all the poopy diapers, nights awake, spit ups, and crys all worth it.
Hope everyone is doing well, and thank you so much to all our friends and family who have been helping us out with the girls, bringing us meals, and picking up our house. We love you all and appreciate all that you are doing to help us out:)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The girls make a new friend

So the girls went to the pediatrician yesterday and the girls weighed in. Lucy was 7 lbs and Madeline was 5 lbs 10 ounces so we were pretty close on our estimates. They seem to be growing great! Today our friend Meghan came by with her daughter Cate. Cate apparently just loved the girls and we have some pictures to show it. We also put Lucy into the swing that our friends Tim and Lindsey let us have and she seems to love it.
Till next time......
Sunday, January 4, 2009
They Keep Growing

The girls are now 3 weeks and 1 day old. Things are going pretty good. We will have a few days of good sleep and then have that one night where one or both Lucy and Madeline are up for a lot of the night and make Mom and Dad so tired.
Lucy is really starting to get a personality and making funny faces all the time. She now doesn't like to be swaddled anymore so we leave here unswaddled for the most part (or at least have her arms out). She likes to move her arms all over the place and just grunt. One of the pictures we have is where Lucy has her arms up like she is praising Jesus but she is totally asleep. Kelli and I were laughing together so hard and just snapping the pictures. Madeline is still pretty quiet and definitely sleeps more than Lucy. It is harder to get Madeline to open her eyes but we are appreciating her because she typically knows when nighttime is (except for last night).
We have a pediatrician appointment tomorrow and we will see what they weigh now. We think that Lucy is going to be over 7 pounds and Madeline 5 lbs 12 ounces. We will see......
Some of these pictures are aunt Jani and Uncle Brad's, so thank you!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
We made it to 2009. There were a couple nights where we didn't think we would recently. Just kidding. The girls slept pretty good last night so we feel like we got some decent sleep which hasn't been the case late. The girls were weighed on Monday again and Lucy tipped the scales at 6 lbs 3 ounces and Madeline at 5 lbs even. They are both eating pretty well and gaining weight which is great.
This was a different New Years this year. Being up at 12:00 am last night was not that appealing in fact we hoped that we would be asleep and we were. Kelli and I heard some fireworks and noise makers at midnight and both just grunted to each other "Happy New Year" and went back to sleep. Woo hoo. Attached are a few pics from the last few days and a couple second video of Madeline's bath time. Alley (our cat) got to reunite with the love of her life (our friend Torrey). We got a pic of Torrey with Lucy and Alley on his lap. Alley has not even tried to sit on Kelli or my lap when we are holding the girls. She just loves Torrey. We are excited for Aimee and Torrey as they are very close to having their girl, Nayla Marie. They are going to all be buds we hope (no pressure).
Kelli and I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and pray that it brings the blessings Christ can give. Till next time........
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