The girls have been having lots of fun at the pool with Nana, Lou Lou, Grandma, Mommy and Daddy. We found it a lot easier to have three of us there to get the girls ready when they were finished. Here are some pictures from Nana and Papas a couple weeks ago, and some pictures from the pool. The girls are getting excited to see their Aunt Katie and Uncle Curt who will be here today.
The girls got to meet their new friend Amaya yesterday, she is just two weeks old! They had lots of fun playing with her.
Lucy got her first 2 teeth!! None for Madeline yet, but I am sure she wont be far behind. Sleeping is slowly getting better, but the girls are still waking up at least once a night for a bottle, hopefully in the next couple of months they will start sleeping through the night. We have a busy summer coming up with family BBQ's, weddings and a trip to Whistler, but we will try to update the blog as much has possible. Hope everyone has a Happy July 4th!